In 1902 the Golden Bantam Sweet Corn is the first yellow sweet corn commercially introduced and sold by Burpee seeds. In this era, white corn was considered more elegant and dominated American dinner tables However, the Golden Bantam Corn quickly became popular for...
Atomic Orange Corn is a beautiful and nutritious corn which is high in protein and beta carotene and produce in 60 to 80 days. It is an open-pollinated variety created by Ed Schultz of Bozeman, Montana. after 30 years of development, which resulted in a stunning neon...
Indeterminate Dwarf bush variety, 55-60 days for fruits to ripen post transplant. Tumbling Tom tomato is a short cascading variety that does well in hanging baskets. The plant grows to about 2′ high before it starts to hang over the basket. It provides high...
Red Rubin Basil (Ocimum basilicum purpurascens) also known as Red Basil is a reddish-purple leafed sweet basil with lots of fragrance. It is an improved version of the dark opal basil. The flavor is spicy and stronger than most sweet basils and it serves great as...
The Toma Verde Tomatillo is considered the very best by many chefs because of its intensely aromatic fruits.The color is a beautiful shade of green and the size are smaller than normal adding to the concentrated flavor. An all around perfect tomatillo.