Reinhard Kraft’s White Oxheart

Reinhard Kraft’s White Oxheart

Mid season variety takes 80-90 days for ripe fruit, plants are indeterminate vines. It’s a great producer and holds up well to the summer heat. The Reinhardt Kraft’s White Oxheart is a recent crossing of Cherokee Green with an unknown pink oxheart bred by...
Join Or Die x Beyond Verde Claro

Join Or Die x Beyond Verde Claro

Mid season variety takes about 85 days for ripe fruit. Indeterminate vines. Said to be a recent cross of “Join or Die” (Belle du Colège) and “Beyond Verde Claro” created by Tom Wagner. First it was named “Join or Die”, but under...
La Carotina (AKA Carotina)

La Carotina (AKA Carotina)

Mid Season variety taking 80 days for ripe fruit. Fruits grow on indeterminate vines. La Carotina (AKA Carotina) is the French parent of the Caro Orange tomato. What makes this tomato different from many other orange varieties is its high concentration of carotene, a...
Bowen Buckeye (Rare and Endangered Tomato)

Bowen Buckeye (Rare and Endangered Tomato)

Mid season, taking about 80 days for ripe fruit. The plant is semi determinate. The Bowen Buckeye is extremely rare and endangered. It was discovered in New Zealand around the 1920’s.While the flavor is decent, it is more of a collector tomato and for the...


The Marzanino is a hybrid tomato that originated from the miniature San Marzano species. It is prized for its high Lycopene content, and its awesome flavor. It is a paste tomato similar in shape to the “San Marzano” only smaller. They are sweet and have intense aroma....
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