Melothria scabra, commonly called the Cucamelon, is similar to a cucumber but much smaller. it is also called mouse melon because of its small size. They are smaller than grapes but have a cucumber like but have a slight sour taste. More plants?Come to the Garden of...
Romanesco zucchini are my very favorite summer squash. They produce the most tender, sweet, and nutty zucchini and are a real champion in the garden giving fruit all season long. Delicious in pastas, soups, fried, or cooked in your oatmeal with a little butter and...
Lovage (Levisticum officinale) Although Lovage is found growing in the wild in Great Brittain it is truly native to the Balkans, Greece, southern France, and other Mediterranean regions. It was used medicinally to treat fever, colic by making a tea of its...