Orange Hat Micro Dwarf Tomato

Orange Hat Micro Dwarf Tomato

Orange Hat is one of the smallest micro dwarf tomato plants, growing only 6” tall. The fruits are bright orange and small cherries with a citrusy flavor. This is a fun plant to grow as a patio tomato or even on a kitchen counter indoors. More plants?Come to the...
Mohamed Micro Dwarf

Mohamed Micro Dwarf

Determinate variety, takes 40-50 days for ripe fruit. The Mohamed Micro Dwarf is an extremely productive tomato plant, producing tons of red cherry tomatoes. They grow to about 8′ tall and can be grown in a 1 gallon pot. These guys are super early for tomatoes...
Minibel Micro Dwarf Tomato

Minibel Micro Dwarf Tomato

“Minibel” is an extra small bush micro dwarf variety. It originally comes from the Netherlands and is marketed as a commercial variety. It is a determinate micro dwarf. Minibel grows a bit longer than other micro dwarfs with a very similar growth pattern to the Golden...
Micro Tom Micro Dwarf

Micro Tom Micro Dwarf

Determinate variety, produces fruit in 50-60 days. The Micro Tom Micro Dwarf Tomato is only 6″ tall! They were developed by the University of Florida and are the cutest thing ever! Micro Tom Micro Dwarf is believed to be the world’s smallest tomato plant...
Golden Pearl Micro Dwarf

Golden Pearl Micro Dwarf

Determinate variety taking 60 days for ripe fruit. The “Golden Pearl” micro-dwarf tomato is a large yellow cherry and grows to about a foot tall. The flavor is mild and sweet. More plants?Come to the Garden of Eat’n and discover our 2021 varieties. Continue...
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