A medicinal plant used by the Mayans to purify the blood by drinking the tea made from the leaves for centuries. After about 20 minutes of boiling the leave, the water turns from clear to a bright blood red color. It is served with sugar and lime juice. Once the lime...
Stevia Rebaudiana, named for Spanish botanist and professor of Botany at the University of Valencia Petrus Jacobus Stevus (Pedro Jaime Esteve 1500–1556).Stevia is a member of the chrysanthemum family, a subgroup of the ragweed family (Asteraceae family). Many...
Longevity Spinach (Gynura Procumbens) Longevity Spinach is native to Southeast Asia and Africa and is said to help treat diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. It is a perennial leafy green that can be eaten raw or cooked and can be propagated by rooting...
Ashitaba (Angelica Keiskei) is native to Japan. It has been said to cleans blood, Powerful Antioxidant, it acts as a DNA shield, medical tests have indicated that Ashitaba not only protects the DNA from free radical damage but also repairs your DNA and restores...
Okinawa spinach has long been part of the diet of the people of Okinawa and is believed to promote long life. It has been eaten by the people of Japan who live well into their 100’s. Okinawa Spinach has been proven to lower cholesterol as well. Like its...