Determinate Dwarf tomato variety, producing ripe fruit in 70+ days from transplant. Wild Fred Dwarf was developed from a cross of The New Big Dwarf and Carbon by Californian breeder Bruce Bradshaw in 2005 and introduced commercially in 2011 by Tomato Growers Supply...
Indeterminate vines produce ripe fruit in 80 days after transplant. In 2005 Tatiana Kouchnareva found the Val’s Green Striped’ in a pack of seeds of ‘Sasha’s Altai’ tomato saved by Val and Dan McMurray (Wyndell, BC, Canada) in 2005 and...
Indeterminate Dwarf variety, produces ripe fruit early to mid season in about 60-70 days from transplant. Uluru Ochre is an unusual mixture of color tones creating a fruit that is orangish green to earthy ochre when fully ripe and is astounding to look at and even...
Determinate Dwarf growth pattern, takes 90 Days from transplant for ripe fruit. Plants are bushy and range in size from 2-4 feet tall and do wonderfully in a container. The New Big Dwarf is an old Heirloom from the early 18th century and believed to be a cross between...
Indeterminate (sometimes of the Dwarf variety, sometimes not), producing ripe fruit mid seasoning in about 80 days from transplant. Most of seeds circulating of Blane’s today are no longer dwarfs. The Thong was developed by master tomato breeder Blane Horton and...